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Calls for proposals



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Archipel EU

Archipel.EU is a European Union co-funded pilot project and provides funding opportunities for artists and cultural organizations from the Outermost Regions of the European Union and from the Overseas Countries and Territories. Taking into account the specific contexts and needs of the cultural and creative sector in the Outermost Regions and in the Overseas Countries and Territories, a consortium of three partners developed Archipel.EU: the Institute François, the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTA) and the Atlantic Culture Promotion Agency (APCA).

Archipel.EU aims to test, over 24 months, a mechanism to provide direct financial support to cultural professionals, artists, groups of artists, organizations and cultural institutions, residing in the 9 Outermost Regions of the European Union and in the 13 Overseas Countries and Territories. The project seeks to promote their rich cultural heritage, to disseminate artistic creations and to support cultural exchanges through the mobility of professionals.

Thematic calls

Series of thematic calls provide financial support to cultural projects and initiatives:

  • Contribute to safeguarding, promoting and supporting intangible cultural heritage, local knowledge, popular and ancestral arts and practices, as well as indigenous cultures;
  • Improve cultural dialogue and exchanges between the European Union Outermost Regions and the Overseas Countries and Territories, and across the European Union;
  • Disseminate cultural and creative works from the European Union Outermost Regions and from the Overseas Countries and Territories through mobility, including virtual projects.
  • At the end of the project, a report will be presented to the European Commission, including the results of the pilot project and recommendations.


Archipel.EU aims to test, over 24 months, a mechanism to provide direct financial support to cultural professionals, artists, groups of artists, organizations and cultural institutions, residing in the 9 Outermost Regions of the European Union and in the 13 Overseas Countries and Territories. The project seeks to promote their rich cultural heritage, to disseminate artistic creations and to support cultural exchanges through the mobility of professionals.

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