Application status:



€379 million

Fund duration:


Grant size:


How to access:

Calls for proposals


Public administration

Type of support:


Interreg Europe

European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), also known as Interreg Europe, is a key component of the European Union that promotes policy cohesion by providing a framework for the implementation of joint actions and policy exchanges between national, regional, and local actors from various Member States. It promotes cross-border cooperation to develop and deliver better policy through programs and projects. Interreg Europe ensures government investments, innovation, and implementation efforts all lead to integrated and sustainable impact for people and place, with the goal of creating an environment and opportunities for sharing solution and policy learning.

Interreg Europe focusses on three types of beneficiaries to assist:​

  1. Public authorities- local, regional and national
  2. Managing authorities/ intermediate bodies- in charge of the Investment for Growth and Jobs Programs or European Territorial Cooperation 
  3. Agencies, research institutes, thematic and non- profit organisations these types of organisations can, despite not being the main target, by first engaging with their policymakers in order to identify options for collaboration with Interreg Europe

A requirement for a partnership with Interreg Europe is that the organisation is based in one of the 27 EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.

Who can apply?

Public authorities

  • National, regional, local public authorities
  • Other relevant bodies responsible for developing and/ or implementing regional development policies
  • Authorities responsible for developing and/ or implementing the Investment for jobs and growth programmes

Organisations relevant for regional development policies

  • Business support organisations (development agencies, innovation agencies, chambers of commerce, clusters, etc.)
  • Environmental organisations (environmental agencies, energy agencies, NGOs, etc.)
  • Education and research institutions (universities, research centres, etc.)
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